
Justine considers the symbolic meaning of our passports for Wexas Traveller

Justine has written a blog about the benefits of bouncing.

Bouncing – not as babyish as it sounds…

What does resilience mean? When it seems as if there is nothing left in us, when we long for more strength, more inner fight, what is it that we are really asking for?

Justine writes about resilience in her blog

Justine appeared on BBC World News speaking about Kashmir

Out in the Backcountry—Post Traumatic Stress

Autonomy and Control—and our human need for both

‘Good-bye’ – to anyone who is graduating

The Power of Negative Thinking…because it’s the result of millions of years of evolution…

Hear Justine interviewed on suicide among young people on WBZ’s Jordan Rich Show

The consequences of Cogito Ergo Sum